Looking Great Is Simple With This Advice

Looking good is important. That doesn’t mean you have to wear haute couture which costs an arm and a leg. Actually some of the best ideas in fashion are very easy. Read on for more information.

Black or indigo jeans make great evening attire when paired with a flouncy shirt and wonderful strappy heels. Colored jeans are only a good idea if you are going for a look that is more casual.

Make sure that you create an individualized style to break away from the norm. You can follow what you learn, or you can create your own style. It takes a unique personality to pull this off; however, you will love the response you get as people admire your personal style.

Stop pumping the brush heavily when you are wearing mascara. This will only trap air in your mascara container. A hard pumping action can even promote the growth of bacteria inside of the bottle. When you need total coating of the brush, just twist it inside the tube without removing it.

Black or dark blouses are the best colors for overweight people. Shadows don’t show when you wear black, masking rolls and other unsightly bumps. Your skirt should have an elastic waistband for more comfort.

Perhaps one of the best fashion tips you can use is to simply clean your closet out. Having a lot of clothes may feel like more options, but it isn’t always the truth. Excess closet clutter actually limits your options! Sift through your wardrobe, tossing any items that don’t fit well or that you haven’t worn in a year or more. Having several pieces that are versatile is better than hanging on to old clothes.

Use a lip pencil followed by blending the edges with a sponge applicator to get fuller lips. Be sure to add a layer of petroleum jelly or gloss. Follow up with a lip gloss accent in the middle of your upper lip to give you a pouty look. You can emphasize your lips color by wearing an eyeshadow that matches it. Place a small dollop in the middle of both lips.

Since reading the above article, you know that it does not take too much money or time to be fashionable. Use any tips that sparked a thought or two to upgrade or enhance your look. You’ll notice the difference when you look at yourself in a mirror.

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